Lip Blush tattoo Vancouver


Get the perfect pout you’ve been dreaming about

Lip Blush Before and After and Photos

Natural Lip Blush tattoo
Lip Blush fully healed photo and before and after

What is Lip Blush?

Lip blush can enhance the beauty of your natural lip colour, correct asymmetry, and add fullness and definition. With the help of this treatment, it is possible to correct the fading colour of lips that is always associated with aging, sun exposure or natural lack of pigment. The lip blush procedure is customized for the unique features of every client.


How long does lip blush last?

Between 1 and 3 years, depending on your skin type, lifestyle and how carefully you follow your aftercare.

How long does it take for lip blush take to fully heal?

The healing time varies as every individual’s body is different. Typical healing time for lip blush is 3-5 days. You will notice your lips a little swollen immediately after treatment but will subside in 24 hours. From day 2-5 lips will look dry and chapped which can be soothed with the application of lip balm. Be aware that the colour will vary quite a lot during the healing process before reaching the final colour that you agreed upon with your permanent makeup artist.

How much does lip blush treatment cost?

Lip Blush tattoo starts at $425. If there is any dark pigmentation in the lips that needs to be corrected or if there is old colour that needs to be corrected from lip blush treatment done elsewhere there may be a $100 additional correction fee. A touchup treatment is also recommended to complete the initial treatment that costs $65 when done between 6-10 weeks.

How long is the appointment? Is it painful?

The appointment can be anywhere from 2.5- 3.5 hours depending how much natural pigmentation we are trying to correct to achieve your desired colour. Some clients find the lip blush treatment to be totally painless and some clients do feel pain. It all depends on your pain tolerance. All clients will be pre-numbed before treatment and numbing cream is used during the entire procedure to ensure your utmost comfort.


Book your Lip Blush Appointment!

Natural looking lip blush to accentuate shape and fullness and a youthful pink colour


  • Pregnancy

  • History of Keloids or Hypertrophic scarring (powder ombré is fine)

  • Accutane in the past year

  • Skin irritations, Psoriasis, or Eczema near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

  • Diabetic (please consult doctor)

  • Chemotherapy (please consult doctor)

  • Viral infections and/or diseases (If prone to cold sores, you must start antivirals 4 days before treatment.)

  • Epilepsy

  • Under 18 years old

  • Botox within 4 weeks of your appointment

  • Chemical peel within 2 weeks of your appointment

  • Any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system / healing would make you NOT a good candidate for micro-pigmentation procedures.

  • Lip injections 30 days before and after treatment.

Please advise your technician if any of the above apply.

If you have any previous work on your lips, this is considered a new treatment. Please send a photo beforehand. Lips with work done from another artist or studio will be subject to $75 lip correction fee if any colour correcting or shape correction needs to be done.